You are correct in assuming that your cable modem is 10BASET.  I only wish I
could get mine working on my machine.

Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 1999 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] NIC Problems

> On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Wass wrote:
>   |  Hello Fellow Mandrake Fans,
>   |
>   |  I'm running into a problem trying to set up my linux-based
>   |  proxy.  Basically, my NIC cannot see the cable modem, or vice versa.
>   |  Read on for more details.
>   |
>   |  I've got a cable-modem, which I've successfully used with linux
>   |  for several months now, with a Acer card (compatible with Via-Rhine).
>   |  After getting a new computer, some NIC's, and an 8-port hub, I
>   |  to try my hand at setting up a LAN.
>   |
>   |  So, I've got two 3c905 "Boomerang" PCI cards in my proxy box.
>   |  Two weeks ago I decided to try setting up a proxy with OpenBSD, and
>   |  the install the NIC's were detected, and I'm fairly certain I had a
>   |  connection to the cable modem with one of the NIC's.  However, I know
>   |  far far less than I know linux, so I decided to install Mandrake 6.1
on my
>   |  proxy instead (I've got mandrake on my other desktops, as well).
>   |
>   |  My current desktop uses the Acer card to connect to the cable modem,
>   |  and this was set up during the Mandrake 6.1 install.  It worked like
a charm
>   |  with the setup, and I didn't even have to think about any of the
>   |
>   |  I then installed 6.1 on my proxy box, and had it disconnected from
>   |  the network, such that I could configure the tcp_wrappers and secure
>   |  things before connecting it.  So I declined networking during the
>   |  now, however, I've gone back to try to configure it, and am running
>   |  problems.
>   |
>   |  I've gone through the dhcpcd mini-HOWTO to get things started.
>   |  This thing is very out of date!  Are there any plans to add entries
>   |  Mandrake 6.x to it?  I'd help out with his task, if I can get my box
>   |
>   |  Firstly, I set up my resolv.conf to mimic my desktop's resolv.conf,
>   |  with the automagically-determined name servers and other parameters.
I then
>   |  set up the network script to set ONBOOT and the protocol to DHCP.
>   |  on reboot, the cable modem doesn't acknowledge the NIC trying to
>   |  it's IP.
>   |
>   |  I've connected the eth1 NIC to the hub, and if I try "dhcpcd eth1"
>   |  for kicks, I can see the packet LED's lighting up on the hub, so I
>   |  something must be working with the hardware.  Even if I connect eth0
>   |  to the hub, and type "dhcpcd eth0", I still see the LED's.  However,
>   |  cards are 100baseT, and I believe the hub is as well.  But I think
the cable
>   |  modem is only 10baseT.  Using dmesg, I get:
>   |  "eth0: 3Com 3c905 Boomerang 100baseTx at 0x6100, "blah blah.  The MAC
>   |  address is listed there for both cards, so linux can see the
>   |  What worries me is that "100baseTx" segment, could this be the
>   |
>   |  It alludes to this possibility in the dhcpcd mini-howto, but
>   |  says that if the card is set to 100baseT, just change that setting.
>   |  is no detail/info about how to go about this.
>   |
>   |  I searched through the archives here, and found one message
>   |  previously, but with no followups, that described setting options in
>   |  /etc/conf.modules file to set the speeds of the card.  I've glanced
>   |  the C code for the driver, but cannot find any documentation of these
>   |  options, where is this stuff documented?
>   |
>   |  I've also played around with various module commands.  Trying
>   |  "insmod 3c90x" I get an error: "3c90x.o: init_module: Device or
resource busy"
>   |  Why could this be?  ANd I've seen vague implications that I may also
>   |  need to include the 3c59x module, is this true too?
>   |
>   |  I'm not sure how to fix this.  One solution may be to re-install
>   |  mandrake and setup the NIC during the install, but I'd like to know
>   |  the installer is doing here behind my back, such that I can configure
>   |  myself, too.
>   |
>   |  Thanks to any help that can be offered!
>   |
>   |  - Wass
> Please do not take this the wrong way, but it would seem to me that you
> look in the documentation which came with the NICs to find out how to
> the speed setting, not in the Linux documentation.
> HTH,

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