On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Donny wrote:
> > i cant use my linux box as a proxy cuz my modem is unsuported in linux.
> >
> Ahh... a WinModem, eh? ;-) Well, the solution to that is to go out
> and get a REAL modem... you'll be happier in the long run!
>       John

Not everyone is made of money. :)

I am slowly beginning to see where these Linux people make their
money, they have invested in puter hardware manufacturers and 
book publishers.:) 

Easy to speak of free software when one knows one gets his dough 
from other sources. :)

I personally wouldn't mind paying little for decent applications/programs
which in *nix world seem to be as rare as teeth on hen.:)


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