On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hello!
> I just installed Linux 6.5 OS on my PC.  I had problems configuring my video card 
>and monitor.  The entire desktop is off centered by about 1 inch,  and at the default 
>resolution.  Do I have to make this adjustment through my monitor to center the 
>desktop ?  And also how do I adjust the resolution ?  I configured it through 
>Xconfigurator to display many different res. rates but am unable to locate any menu's 
>to adjust it ???
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Greg

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First, please configure your mail client NOT to post in
HTML. It's hard to read and many, if not most of us in this
list use html-impaired mail clients under Linux. Plus, html
in email is a waste of bandwidth. :-)

Second, to adjust resolution hit CTRL+Keypad-Plus or
Keypad-minus. As for adjusting the centering, that's
probably going to be done through your monitor's adjustment

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