Some info on PM 5.0

-- Partition Magic ..
-- Can handle .. Dos,OS2,Linux,WinNT,All Wins.
-- Will resize, create, delete, combine, logical to primary,
-- convert and lots more. It is really nice.
-- The current version is 5.0 and it comes
-- with drive mapper and boot magic ..etc.
-- Comes with a manual which explains how
-- to use the program and it's utils.
-- PM, can be run from dos or windows 3.1
-- and win9x .. etc.
-- There is also a readme file, which explains
-- how to use/install it in Linux.

Best and hth ..


----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Sexton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing partitions

> R_Yeo wrote:
> > On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Josh McCaffrey wrote:
> > >
> > > Kind of a way of not letting Windows know you're replacing it, or a
way of
> > > smoothing your transition to Linux only?  Just keep shrinking that
> > > partition till it doesn't have any virtual memory left, and you
> > > have to just put it out of it's misery :-)
> >
> > Amen to the last.  If only there was an app in Linux for me to upload
> > my CrossPad.  Kind of ridiculous to keep a bloated OS around for one
> > sole surviving app.
> >
> > --
> > Ronald
> hda is my windows drive, but I had hda and hdb both when I last set up
> so windows expects a drive d: and programs are installed on drive e:. I
may be
> able to fix this, but for now d: (hdb1) has the windows swapfile and
> cache.
> So it looks like I need partition magic to solve the problem of a
partition too
> small?  I thought linux might have another way.

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