One does find that, doing the installation the way you have, it will be much
slower than installing Mandrake onto an actual Linux partition. I think you'll
find that most people do not use Ln4Wn at all - I certainly don't.  The
difference in the load time is so noticeable. I don't bother using themes as
they are very memory hungry. 

I would suggest that you dump your present installation and do a re-install.
Believe me when I say that a Mandrake installation onto a proper linux
partition takes about 10 minutes. You'll think you've got a new machine.


John the Nadger

On Sat, 01 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> I have installed the Ln4Wn from the Linux-Mandrake cd. The installation was 
> no prob. But when I go into into the Xwindow enviroment, I find that 
> everything seems so sluggish and slow.
> I have also installed StarOffice5.1 and the installation was a breeze
> event though it was also very slow. Despite this I have been using Linux for 
> about two weeks now.
> Also another thing is sometimes my machine freeze when I am using Xwindow 
> and Glax as theme.( I am using KDE by the way)
> So I did a little bit of testing between themes and I found out that when I 
> am using Glax and numerous other themes and try to move any window box move 
> horizontally 'SLOWLY', the machines will freeze. The only theme that  
> doesnt't freeze my machine when I do this is the windowmaker."WHEN I SAY 
> Contrary to this, when I use win98 everything is quite fast and normal.
> So could anybody please explain to me why I am having this problem?
> Could it be that Xwindow is using way to much memory than is needed?
> I hope that this 'freeze' problem is a bug and not a my machine's RAM fault.
> My box is a PII 400 Mhz, 64 Mb or SDRAM, 6.4 Gbyte hard disk, Voodo Banshee 
> AGP display card.
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