> I would like to ask you all to PLEASE remember to turn OFF
> the html when posting to these lists.

  Yes, .... It's a pre-M$ matter of Netiquette

 For one thing, many,
> if not most of us, are using a Linux-based email client
> and, except for Netscape, I don't know of any which handle
> html very well.

   you've posted this many times, and I'd hate to encourage
the 'new to the net' to form a bad habit, _but_ my Kmail renders
junk, err I mean, .html acceptably  It's still clueless S!+t tho.

> Also, please set your word-wrap to between 70 and 75
> characters.

  back in the good'ol days it was 65 chars, one ..no more than 2
pages, only quote the text you're responding to.

 If you're using a web-based email program,
> please hit "enter"

  We havt'a deal with those so new that they've never used a
typewriter.  PEOPLE, the <Enter> key is really (originally)
termed... 'carriage return'.  Yep!, that's right!  if you press it,
automagically your next word will begin another line of type.
"Oh, but it looks right on my (M$) email program"

Tough, it's still you're responsibility to post with Netiquette

  at the right-hand edge of the "compose"
> box. Most of these are set up so that you have about 70-75
> characters at that point.
>       Thanks..
>       John

  Thanks John, but i believe it's an uphill battle tryin to educate
the clueless encumbered

     You can always tell how many got a computer for Christmas 
'cause their posts are 4 monitors wide.  Biggest problem is, it's
been going on now for more'n few Christmas'

  I've gotten to the point that I just hit the <Delete> key when
the 2nd half (or more) of the sentence falls off the edge of the

  <rant off>  (but I'm gonna send it anyways)
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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