On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I would like to ask you all to PLEASE remember to turn OFF
> the html when posting to these lists. For one thing, many,
> if not most of us, are using a Linux-based email client
> and, except for Netscape, I don't know of any which handle
> html very well. And Netscape's html email is even worse
> than M$ html email, because Netscape puts the html code in
> the message where you can read it, which makes it that much
> more difficult to read the mail! (Have you ever looked at
> the source for a web page? That's the kind of crap Netscape
> puts in their HTML email!!!)
> PLEASE, people, try to be more aware of the format of the
> email you're sending out, especially if replying to an HTML
> email.
> Also, please set your word-wrap to between 70 and 75
> characters. If you're using a web-based email program,
> please hit "enter" at the right-hand edge of the "compose"
> box. Most of these are set up so that you have about 70-75
> characters at that point.
>       Thanks..
>       John

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