I have the same problem with my "el cheapo generic card".  It seems that some
windows/boxs are just programmed not to fit.  Im using 640x480 at 24 bit color.
I have gotten quite used to using ALT+Left Mouse to move the window around.

Sincerely yours,
Jason Elwell
On Sun, 09 Jan 2000, you wrote: > From the command line, try running the
following: > "XF86Configurator" without the quotes > 
> >From: John Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [newbie] Help. My screen is too big for my glass.  --  jrt
> >Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 21:56:01 -0500
> >
> >
> >I am in the process of replacing an ATI video card with a Voodoo 3.
> >
> >It is a two part process. First you get the 2D part working, the add
> >the 3D drivers. I'm part way through the first bit, but the screen size
> >at the lower resolutions (640x480 & 800x600) remains at 1024X768. When
> >you move the mouse to the edge of the monitor, the screen 'slides' off
> >to the side.
> >
> >I have read through the XF86Config man and there is no setting for
> >virtual screen size, and I can't think of any other place it may be
> >hidden. Please point me in the right direction.
> >
> >Thanx in advance.  John Turnbull
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