Seth Gibson wrote:

> Greets all!
>         In real life i work at a Costco Warehouse, for those who dont know, its
> a warehouse store similar to Sam's Club.  As i was walking the floor today i
> noticed that we started selling MacMillian(sp) Complete Linux 6.5.  Right
> next to Win98 Upgd.  How's that for mainstream?  God grant Win98 boxes
> outnumbered Linux boxes by a factor greater than 2 to 1 but its a start eh?

Oh, yeah, and Best Buy sells several distros for <1/2 what M$ Windows uprades
are.  Caldera, SuSe, Redhat, Mandrake, Slackware, etc...
It's neat, b/c Widows takes up this huge chunk of the aisle, you have little or no
choice as to which Windows you want, and right next door are 1/2 as many Linux
distros, but w/ greater variety and flexibility...  I always bump into people at
the book or computer store under the Unix/Linux section and start talking about

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