For Linux, you must create a 20Mb partition that resides below the 7.88GB 
mark on the HD.  Make your Windows partition equal to 7.8GB in size.  
Immediately after the 7.8GB Windows partion, create a small 20Mb partition.  
The rest of the partitions are your choice.  (I suggest splitting the 
remaining 10GB evenly between Windows and Linux, but it's your call on this 

When installing Linux, be sure to mount the above 20Mb partition as /boot.  
This procedure ensures that LILO resides below the 1024th cylinder boundry.


>From: "Jaswinder S. Ahluwalia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Mark Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] 1024 cylnder
>Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 21:26:56 -0800 (PST)
>Thank you for your reply but i am affraid because my original message was
>not detailed enough, most of the advice you gave i had already performed.
>I used fips to repartition my 20gb hard disk into a 17 gb for windows and
>3gb for linux. I then deleted this partition in disk druid and tried to
>add a linux native partition which it would not let me because it said
>something about themaximum boot size. It does however let me create a swap
>partition. I cannot create the two partions in fdisk. Do you have any

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