"Ty C. Mixon" wrote:
> Now for my stupid question, and I should know the answer but . . .
> I've got a tar file, and I've tried using 'tar -x <filename> to untar
> it, but it ain't working.  It was originally a tar.bz, and bunzip2
> brought out the tar fine.  I'm trying to install jre, but can't get it,
> even though I did it on 6.0 a few months back, but later took it off.
> Any how I'm stuck.

I like midnight commander for working with tarballs etc
"mc" at the command prompt. Highlight your file & F2 then
"x" to extract them....

"man tar" offers a wealth of imformation...

IIRC tar -xzf is the usual command 

Full plate & packing steel! - Minsk

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