You are firing off "make" from the wrong place (i think).  Make is located 


if you edit (vi) your .cshrc and add in the above in set path, you
should be able to fire off "make" from anywhere.

dont quote me on this


On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Warren Doney wrote:

> Elizabeth Dolan wrote:
> > 
> > i started the kedevelop program with it came up with this message
> > saying that the make command was not found can anyone tell me what is
> > needed to fix this problem
> The "make" RPM, it's on your CD. You will
> probably need other development progs too.
> They are all on your CD. You could try
> booting off the CD & choosing Upgrade-->
> custom-->development tools, thats not very 
> safe though, you could end up hosing everything 
> & having to reinstall - but its the easy way if
> you don't have anything you need to keep.
> --
> Full plate & packing steel! - Minsk

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