On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, munsters wrote:

i lied, it should be /usr/ccs/bin

> You are firing off "make" from the wrong place (i think).  Make is located 
> in: 
> /usr/csh/bin
> if you edit (vi) your .cshrc and add in the above in set path, you
> should be able to fire off "make" from anywhere.
> dont quote me on this
> -robert 
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Warren Doney wrote:
> > Elizabeth Dolan wrote:
> > > 
> > > i started the kedevelop program with it came up with this message
> > > saying that the make command was not found can anyone tell me what is
> > > needed to fix this problem
> > 
> > The "make" RPM, it's on your CD. You will
> > probably need other development progs too.
> > They are all on your CD. You could try
> > booting off the CD & choosing Upgrade-->
> > custom-->development tools, thats not very 
> > safe though, you could end up hosing everything 
> > & having to reinstall - but its the easy way if
> > you don't have anything you need to keep.
> > 
> > --
> > Full plate & packing steel! - Minsk
> > 

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