OKKKKKKK woohoooo it is fixed  here is what I did.
I had already tried to run it from the command line using
/usr/bin/netscape   I recieved  You dont appear to have netscape
installed.  So I then used your suggestion rpm -qa | grep netscape* to
see what was installed... the only one installed was
netscape-common-407-1  so I ftp'd to a ftp site and grabbed the other
netscape stuff and then upgraded what I had and poof it is fixed.
Now if anyone has an idea on how I can get this darn thing to let me use
kvwdial as a normal user instead of root so I can use netscape I would
greatly appreciate it.  I can dial out using kppp and connect but I cant
use netscape or anything, it doesnt recognize I am connected I guess. If
I try to dial out with kvwdial as a normal user I connect then it says
something about ppd starting then it disconnects but the kvwdial window
says it is connected but the lights on my external usrobotics 56k says
otherwise. Any help will appreciated.

William Price wrote:
> > I hope you have better luck than I have... I am using 6.5 and the update
> > link works but I did notice that when I tried to update netscape that it
> > crashed twice before it worked... now however netscape doesnt work at
> > all, it just sits there like you didnt click the icon and if you run it
> > from the command line it says you dont have netscape installed, I am
> > stuck with windows again until I get an idea what is wrong.
> > JohnC
> >
> Try finding it on the hard drive.  As root from an xterm (i.e. su to
> root) type
>         find / -name netscape
> and see if you can find it.  It is probably in something like /usr/bin
> or /opt/netscape.  If you find it, try running it with that path.  If that
> works, then update the icon "execute" path (right click the icon and
> choose properties).  If it does not run, then you should at least get
> an error message.  Might not run if you updated with a version
> compiled with the wrong libraries.
> You can also tell which RPM(s) you installed with
>         rpm -qa | grep netscape*
> Bill Price
> =====================+++++++++++++++++=======================
> Bill Price  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Home Page   -  http://www.uidaho.edu/ag/statprog/
> Statistical Programs
> College of Agriculture
> University of Idaho
> Moscow, ID  83843
> =====================+++++++++++++++++=======================

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