Jim....you're welcome.  First off, hdc means the master drive on
the secondary ide controller, is that what it is?  The hdb
designation would be the slave drive on the primary ide

Now as to the other problem.  I told you wrong.  Your /boot
partition is probably still beyond the 1024 cylinder limit.  The
easiest thing to do now is go back to PM and make the 2.5 gig
area unpartitioned.  Then move the 11.5 gig partition all the
way to the end of the drive (maintaining its current size) thus
leaving the first 2.5 gigs of the drive unpartitioned.  Now try
your Linux installation.


Jim Garner wrote:
> Dear Alan,
> Thanks for the help!  I tried that but it says the same thing "insufficient
> space"!  And the drives are still being called "hda" & "hdc".  Do I have to
> install all of linux on my first hard disk?  Or Should I try with just the
> /boot part on the first HD and everything else on the second HD?
> Appreciate it if you could help!  Thanks!
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