On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Keith Taylor wrote:
> >%_I just loaded up my first copy of Linux and am running in 640x480 with what 
>appears to be 256 colors. Now I have looked throughout everything in KDE thats 
>readily availiable to see if there is a place to change video modes (I like 800x600 
>16 bit). I read somewhere look under Settings-Desktop and Video Mode would be listed, 
>for me it is not. Can anyone tell me where to go to alter my video mode, right now I 
>can not see all of every window, and some buttons come up distorted.
> Keith

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What video card and monitor do you have? Are you absolutely sure
they're fully supported by Linux / X11? If so, go to a console
prompt, log in as "root" and re-run "setup" and select "X
Select a higher resolution and color depth as your default. Then, you
can try using CTRL-ALT-KP+ and CTRL-ALT-KP- to adjust your video

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