NO, actually John, it IS egcs I am looking for!  More
specifically, the program I use looks for the
binary file 'egcs' , which should be in /usr/bin and
complains that it can't find it! (Which I verified)

This program did work in RedHat 6.1 and RedHat 6.0 by
the way, which DID have the egcs binary.

If I look at the egcs package on the RedHat 6.1 cd, I clearly
see that /usr/bin/egcs (as well as /usr/bin/gcc, /usr/bin/cc ,etc.)
is inluded in the list of files for that package.  When I look
at the egcs package on the Mandrake 7.0 cd, I only see a file
called '/usr/bin/egcs-version' , which is NOT egcs!


John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Tom Barraza wrote:
> > Has anyone else installed the egcs packages in Mandrake 7.0, and
> > actually gotten the program 'egcs' to be installed?  I've looked
> > in all of the egcs-* packages, and have been unable to find 'egcs'!
> >
> Actually, it isn't called egcs, it's called gcc or g++ I think,
> depending on whether you're compiling a C or C++ program.
> Here's the output of "rpm -qa | grep egcs" on my RedHat machine at
> work:
> compat-egcs-5.2-1.0.3a.1
> compat-egcs-c++-5.2-1.0.3a.1
> compat-egcs-g77-5.2-1.0.3a.1
> compat-egcs-objc-5.2-1.0.3a.1
> egcs-1.1.2-12
> egcs-c++-1.1.2-12
> egcs-g77-1.1.2-12
> egcs-objc-1.1.2-12
> Here's the output of "man egcs":
> GCC(1)                      GNU Tools                      GCC(1)
>        gcc, g++ - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (egcs-1.1.2)
>        gcc [ option | filename ]...
>        g++ [ option | filename ]...
> As you can see, the command line is gcc or g++, NOT egcs. :-)
>         John

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