Hello All,
Okay i have installed a new mandrake 6.1 box i can only use the console like on the pc i try and telnet to my box "port 23" and check mail "port 110" and it rejects all ips.... on my network... it only accepts the proxy port 8080 and sendmail port 25
i cant find anything in hosts.deny...
Could somebody please help me it is greatly aprpeciated.
[jonno@admincomms jonno]$ telnet mail.gclub.com.au
Connected to mail.gclub.com.au.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Jonathan Kanyo
Network Administrator
Admin Communication Services Pty Ltd
Unit 1 / 36 Irvine Drive
Malaga  WA  6944
Ph.   + 61 8 9249 6789
Fax.  + 61 8 9249 7593
Mob.  0417 957 221

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