Thanks for the help John, it worked like a treat :-)
I have disabled the VCF file attachment as well, 
heaven forbid treading on peoples toes.....

Now I just have to get my Linux box talking to the
disks and printer on my fileserver (a win95OSR2 box).
I hope to move my fileserver over to Linux soon, but only
once I have a better "feel" for the OS, so in the meantime
it will stay Windozed...

Michael Perry.
R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

> -----Original Message-----
> rpm -e kcmclock, rpm -Uvh kdelibs.
> > 
> > Also the "updates" icon on the desktop (kde not gnome)
> > doesn't work.
> > 
> *shrug* works for me...
> Can't help.
> BTW, can you turn off your VCF file attachment? It's really
> considered a breach of "nettiquette" to post file
> attachments to a list as a general rule.
>       John

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