Ross Slade wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > I have exactly the same problem with licq...
> > Haven't found a workaround/fix someone else has though :-)

Installing Licq 0.75-3a worked for me.  You will have to
do things in a certain order though, to keep both KDE
happy and Licq happy:

First, backup your ".licq" directory (to ".licq.bak"
or whatever; "mv .licq .licq.bak" works).
Use "rpm -e licq*" to uninstall the old Licq and the
Licq-data rpm.
Download Licq 0.75-3a and Licq-data 1.5.1 from the
Licq home page, and follow the pointers to get
qt 2.0.2 from rpmfind.  It's important that you
get 2.0.2, not 2.1.0, since 2.1.0 and Licq don't
seem to get along (at least, they didn't for me).
Then install them in order: 
"rpm -ivh qt..." (if you use "-Uvh" you might
        screw things up, since KDE depends on qt)
"rpm -Uvh licq-0.75..."
"rpm -Uvh licq-data-..."

It should work with "-ivh" for those, too, but
I didn't use it.

Replace your ".licq" directory.
If you run Licq at this point, it will crash.
This is because it has to be pointed at the
new qt version.  
You need to use this before you start Licq:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qt-2.0.2/lib

If you don't want to run that every time, you
can put it in your ".bash_profile", or, if you
want anyone on your system to be able to run
Licq without that, you can put this in a file:

        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qt-2.0.2/lib

and run that file instead of Licq.  If you do this,
you need to make sure to call that file whenever
you want to run Licq.  I put that in "/usr/local/bin/licq"
and use that for my KDE menu entries and in my Autostart

> KXICQ works fine...and has the odd added feature too, lke being able to
> quote a message when replying.

That is enabled by default in Licq, too.

I apologize if this seems overly long and detailed, but
I have two excuses: 

This *is* supposed to be the newbie list, and 
If *I* had had this email last night, I would
have spent 10 minutes doing all this, instead 
of three hours and endless "Uh, oh"s, as I 
installed, uninstalled, and re-installed, trying
to make everything work again.

Crypto key:
On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

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