On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Thanks to all that replied.  I ended up installing SO to /usr/share
> (someone suggested /usr/local but since I intended this to be a
> "network" install ...) and all seems to be happy.
> As a newbie I haven't quite figured out this file system thing YET and
> I'm curious if perhaps I have incorrectly interpreted the use of
> /usr/share and usr/local.  I suppose I'll have to go digging for some
> more info but if someone would care to shed some light on the subject
> I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks
> --
> Joseph S. Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

>From what I've read,
/usr/local is generally used for programs that are local to your machine and the
permissions are read and write while /usr/share are for programs that are
accessable through the network and permissions are read-only , someone can
correct me on this if they'd like.  In reality I use /usr/local for programs
that were installed without benefit of using a package (i.e. RPM). The
exception would be as you say a network install of a network aware application.

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