How about in Los Angeles? Where can I find info on "LUG's" in my area?


"Joseph S. Gardner" wrote:
> John Aldrich wrote:
> > On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> > > I was thinking that maybe if enough people lived close enough
> > > to each other we could start ( Linux users groups ) It might be worth while
> > > and even fun.   Any thoughts
> > >
> > Well, we've already got on in the Chattanooga, TN area...
> > two in fact.... and The
> > second is sort of an excuse for a bunch of geeks to get
> > together to drink beer, though... ;-)
> >         John
> And I'll bet you never miss a meeting  <evil grin>
> --
> Joseph S. Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH
> Linux is like a wigwam...
> No windows, no gates.
> Apache inside

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