hugh wrote:
> I was thinking that maybe if enough people lived close enough
> to each other we could start ( Linux users groups ) It might be worth while
> and even fun.   Any thoughts
> --
>         I'm not a nerd -- I'm "socially challenged".

I'm thinking that for this list, if a handful of people live in the same
time zone, that would be amazing, but it seems we're scattered about the
globe.  My idea is this:  I'm printing up a handful of flyers to post on
various bulletin boards around campus announcing a LUG (all distros
meeting in the Student Ctr at 12:30 on M's and W's.  It would be cool to
see how many people show up.  I already know there's talk around campus
about starting a LUG, but I don't know any of these people.  This way, I
can get most, not all Linux users together on campus.

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