Britt Selvitelle wrote:
> Just out of curiousity, what email programs are you all using?  Which do you
> think are the best and have the most features?  I am currently using kmail, the
> kde mail client, but it seems to lack some of the features I'd like to see in
> an email client.

I've used kmail, spruce, mutt, tkrat, balsa, Arrow, Mahogany,
and many others.  They almost all lack encryption, and the
one that has good support for that is TEXT (mutt). :(  So
I keep coming back to netscape, since the ONLY feature it
seems to lack is encryption, and all the others fall short
in other ways.

Crypto key:
On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

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