I have the linux partition starting about 1404 cyl on a 13GB HDD. I
tried to make lilo put the boot on every partition on my disk (some of
them under 1024 cyl of course) but I still get the message Warning,
1404>1024 blah blah. So the problem is that he cannot address my linux
partition? I cannot move my partition, that would mean to scramble my
whole sistem. I'm wandering if there is some workaround.
Also it does not see more than 64RAM. I have Mandrake 6.0 with 2.2.14
kernel and I recompiled it with up to 1GB RAM option. But it does not
work. I read that I can pass with lilo some parameters to the kernel,
something whit append="mem=256MB" but since I can only start with
loadlin from dos.... I cannot do that. Im stuck.
Please, can anyone help?

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