It is a WinModem.  I had one and had toi chance to another kind.  Sorry.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Michael Scottaline [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 03, 2000 3:54 AM
Subject:        Re: [[newbie] Modem driver?]

Paul Derbyshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's a Rockwell HCF 56K internal modem. It has fax and voice stuff on it,
> but I don't care about getting those working -- data would be fine. I
> the "+H0" in the init string that turns off error correction and flow
> control, having read in a HOWTO somewhere that some Rockwell host
> controlled modems just offload these functions to software -- a rough surf
> would be better than no surf. Apparently, it doesn't work with this modem.
I don't think this modem is supported in linux.  HCF, I believe, is a type
software or "winmodem".  I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, try an external.
You'll be glad you did.

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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