Under a Mandrake 6.1 O/S, I have VMware 1.1.2 running with samba installed.  The virtual disk I have created within VMware is Win98 SE and the configuration at both ends is set to Host-Only Networking, due to no network card.
In the virtual machines networking everything is running well as it can see itself.  On the other end, following the ISP addresses configured into VMware, smb.conf does not seem to be registering to VMware or the virtual machine.  Restart of smb.conf comes out OK, shutdown and reboot of 6.1, samba is OK, although in system information in KDE Samba Status there is a blank screen.
Does anyone have any information, assistance or even the whole smb.conf configuration process for Host-Only Networking under Vmware 1.1.2 for Win98.

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