I think I read somewhere (VMWare faq?) that vmware can't participate on a
samba network when in host-only mode. I believe that included the host OS


On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Simon Robertson wrote:

> Hi,
> Under a Mandrake 6.1 O/S, I have VMware 1.1.2 running with samba installed.  The 
>virtual disk I have created within VMware is Win98 SE and the configuration at both 
>ends is set to Host-Only Networking, due to no network card.
> In the virtual machines networking everything is running well as it can see itself.  
>On the other end, following the ISP addresses configured into VMware, smb.conf does 
>not seem to be registering to VMware or the virtual machine.  Restart of smb.conf 
>comes out OK, shutdown and reboot of 6.1, samba is OK, although in system information 
>in KDE Samba Status there is a blank screen.
> Does anyone have any information, assistance or even the whole smb.conf 
>configuration process for Host-Only Networking under Vmware 1.1.2 for Win98.
> Thankyou,
> Simon.

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