Thank you to everyone who replied to my query.
It has been fixed using the -16bpp line entry in the XServers file.
Now my images are so clear and sharp.  The quality is incredible!


"Gina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have got my graphics card setup now and Im using 1024x768.  I thought
> the theme images would be nice a sharp.   Even one I like myself on my
> windows desktop thats nice a sharp I tried.  But they are all dotty.  I
> into the KDE control center and in there saw that even though I am using
> 1024x768 is also says 75x75dpi.  Is this why the pictures are so dotty and
> if so is it possible to change that dpi setting?  Ive hunted around and
> find anything on it. Its not the images themselves and th one I used on
> windows is very sharp and clear on the same screen res.
> regards
> Gina.

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