Hi All,

I just bought and installed LM 7. I have played with several different
flavors of Linux and have had some sort of problems with them all. One
thing would work in one but not in another, but not all on the same
one, till now..........It works (most of it, the important stuff
anyway). Below is a list of what doesn't work and maybe someone can
give me a direction to try. First off, I have a question about

I have Win98se installed on the first partition (3 gig patition of a 5
gig HD). Then Linux made 3 other partitions (1 tiny one, 7 megs I
think, then the root partition and a swap partition). But when I boot,
it goes directly to Windows, what gives?? How do I get LiLo to do the
booting? I am experimenting with this 5 gig. When I get it all figured
out I will be puting it on my 13gig dual booted with windows. I do
have it istalled on my 13gig but it is on the FAT partition. It works
that way but I want it on it's own partition.

Now to the other stuff :-)

Both CD's are recognized (40x and a Yamaha CDR - don't know how well
that one works yet though, but I can access it......cool.)

only one floppy though (I have two, how do I get it to find the

My printer even works this time (Canon BJC-6000). I am using the Canon
600-4000 driver for it though. Does anyone know if there's a better

No sound, nada, zilch, flat lined. I have a Yamaha XG (S-XG50), the
chipset is YMF 724 Windows sees it as OPL3-Sa2/3. Anyone have a clue
if it will work at all?

Memory, I have 128megs, Linux reads 64, how do I change that?

I will say that this is the slickest distribution I've played with
yet......Way to go Mandrake.

Thanks in Advance

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