This is blatant flamebait and doesn't deserve any more of a response than
what I'm now giving it. Everyone please stop replying to it and let's get
back to answering people's real questions.


On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Vincent Dickerson wrote:

> Hello;
>  First of all, When you ADVERTISE "free tech support" that means FREE.
> not me having to pay for an internet connection. besides if i am in the
> middle of patitioning my hard drive, How in the hell am i supposed
> to email you(THINK). Secound, Your book is full of inconsistantcies,
> you software(installation) will not even recocgnize a generic monitor.
> Now with all of the problems that i have encountered with "your"
> software, it would take about 6 months to install it if i had to wait 24
> hrs. for every question to be answered. Next, If your going to sell
> something, it would make good sense to spell check your manual. GEEZZZ
> It is easy to see why Microsoft has the major part of this market. I can
> exit your(junk) and repair my SCSI drive(after your OS has completely
> screwed it up) and one hour later it is up and running(network cards and
> all). I guess you are wanting to know what i am getting at here.
>               Signed New beleaver in MS windows

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