I have just recently installed Linux on my system (mandrake6.1) and I am
having a few problems in changing over from Windows (maybe I should not
have put a capitol at the start of it?) please can anyone help with any
of the following, bearing in mind that I have only been using Linux for
a week and I have only dabbled with the console e.g ls and a few other
basic commands!
1.  How can I mount my other cd drive (hdb2 I think, secondry IDE
slave drive) my first one is mounted automatically when I boot up. 
Also I have installed Linux on my second hard disk (hda2, primary IDE slave
drive) but how can I access my windows drive (I think it will be hda1,
primary IDE master drive). I have a dos partition on my Linux drive and
it is mounted at start up and has a shortcut to it on the desktop as does
the cd rom writer  on the secondry master ide port. I have tried going
into Linux Conf-- file systems -- access local drive and adding hdb2 and
hda1 but cannot get it to work. Any ideas???

2. I have managed to set up the Internet OK but I have found some
applets that I want to add to the task bar, namely modem lights and
but cannot get either to work with the modem. Modem lights does not light
when I connect using  KPPP and I cannot get PPPDialer to dial !!
Any help on the avbove subjects would be greatly appreciated, thanks
in advance
Craig Jameson

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