Trevor Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently scrubbed my version 6 install and did a fresh ver 7 install,
> but found the following problems:
> 1) my 2nd CD-rom (actually a cd-rw) is recognised, but won't mount any
> cd's.
Check permissions on the drive.
> 2) my CMI8330 sound chip, which worked following the instructions in a
> README file on ver 6 is detected, but won't go under ver 7. trying the
> ver 6 instructions gives IRQ conflict at boot.
> 3) ver 6 simply gave an unobstrusive LILO: prompt, ver 7 gives a badly
> formatted verbose text message. How do I get rid of it?
> 4) Netscape has pathetic-looking monochrome (black on grey) icons
> instead of the more colourful ones it used to have.
My guess on #4 is that you are using 24 bit color depth.  Try 16 bpp or 32bpp.
 Netscape (and WP 8.0 I believe) doesn't seem to like 24 bpp.  Not sure about
other problems
> Any ideas/fixes???  please
> Other than the above, I love ver 7!!!!!  Well done Mandrake.

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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