Kelly Cash wrote:

> Hi all-
> Is there a FAQ sheet for partitioning disks?
> I have a 20GB disk.  1/2 is WinBlows98, and the other is Linux.
> Apparently I had the Win partition too large, so that the boot
> record for Linux wouldn't reside in a lower cylinder than 1024.
> So, I shrunk my Microsnot partition, no problem.
> I've tried making a /boot partition and a / partition.  Every time
> I try this (in disk druid), I get the error message "boot partition
> is too large."  I've tried making a /boot partition at 256, 64, 32,
> 16, and even 1MB.  All sizes yielded the message above.

How much did you shrink your win partition, and check what cylinder it ends
at. Linux boot partition needs to be completely below 1024th cylinder.

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