Pieter, that is the way...it is supposed to setup...
it is not possible to have two OS's on the "same" partiton...
but you can have them on the same drive...yes...
and it is accomplished using partitions...like you have stated.

Pieter Smith wrote:

> Hi
> A drive is limited to having 4 primary partitions. Windows gets around
> this by placing a lot of drive letters in a single primary extended
> partition.
> When Mandrake installs, it creates four primary partitions on its own:
> The boot, root, home and swap partitions. All four of these partitions
> are primary, leaving no room for a primary C: FAT32 partition. How do I
> get around this problem? Is there a way to get both OSes on the same
> drive?
> Regards,
> Pieter Smith


ICQ# 7110071


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