There's a place where all man pages should live, but I can't say what it is
- I'm at work and have no access.

However, I would suspect that installtions which put man pages anywhere
other than in this directory are broken! Try 'man man' which will tell you
where these pages should live. You can then perform a 'find' on your box to
see if any man pages turn up in location other than the usual place and
move them!

As a side note, this will be the last post form myself to the list - I'll
be unsubscribing very shortly as my contract with IBM is finished now. I
get to take a few weeks off, ride my motorbike, cut a little code on my
Linux box back home, grapple with the vagaries of Perl and Tcl, attempt to
debug coredumps from my kernel modifications, walk my dog and kiss my wife
(I think I recall what she looks like!)

Anyway, it's been a pleasure to be here - all the best with your respective
boxen and may gcc be with you always! :)

Night night.

Steve Flynn
EX-IBM MVS Operations Analyst (now available for parties, Bar Mitzvahs and

Lane Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 29/02/2000 17:52:56

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
Subject:  Re[2]: [newbie] Favorite references for Redhat/Mandrake

steve wrote:
> In order of "look here first"
> man

Is there a "path" for man pages? My impression is that some pages get
installed where man can't find them.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

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