The man pages should be found, but if you want to check where a package (let's
say emacs) has installed its documentation files, you can use
        rpm -qdl emacs
and it will list you alle the docs provided with the package.
If you see that there is a man page that you can't access just by simply typing
man emacs, you can specify the path to search with :
        man -M /path/of/the/man/page emacs

For further details, see man man, and man rpm.
If you want to work efficiently with rpm, I'd suggest you to read "maximum rpm"
available at

 Lane Lester wrote :
> steve wrote:
> > In order of "look here first"
> > 
> > man
> Is there a "path" for man pages? My impression is that some pages get
> installed where man can't find them.
> Lane
> ----
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> ----

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