Uhh, sure Steve ment /etc/lilo.conf, right Steve? ;-)

On Feb 29 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Start linux with  either "linux mem=128M" or....
> As root, edit /etc/config
> and code a line like the following in each stanza:
> append="mem=128M"
> Now run /sbin/lilo and next time you restart you'll have your full 128 meg
> available
> Steve Flynn
> IBM MVS Operations Analyst
> Lincong Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 29/02/2000 16:39:46
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:    (bcc: Steve Flynn/UK/Contr/IBM)
> Subject:  [newbie] Ram dectection
> Hello. everyone
>      I have an Athalon 600 computer with 128Mb Micron PC100 memory.
> Somehow Linux can only recognize about 64 Mb. Can anybody tell me how to
> fix it.
>      Thanks in advance
> Lincong Wang from Ann Arbor MI


Rial Juan                  <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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