On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, "Mark Irving" wrote:
>     You have to be careful with this one.  It is recommended that before
> you
> add the line "append="mem=128M" to lilo.conf that you test it first. When
> Linux first boots, at the boot: prompt, type in "Linux mem=128M" & boot
> that
> way. You might have to change the way that Linux boots to give you some
> time
> to type. On my computer, it only saw 64 of 128MB RAM. I added the line
> Linux
> mem=128M at the prompt & got "KERNEL PANIC", not a good thing.

I am currently at that stage of the game with Mandrake 7.0-2. The statement
append="mem=124M" works with Corel Linux on the same system, but it causes
a Kernel Panic with Mandrake. I learned in Corel to use 124, because my
onboard video takes 4M. Perhaps I need to use a lower number with Mandrake,
although I don't understand why that would be needed.
Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Getting where I want to be with Linux...

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