I have recently completed a fresh install of Mandrake 7.0 on my system and
fried my old bastardised 6.0/6.1 system.  I have noticed a few problems with
KDE and am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems.  All these
problems come from the KDE Control Panel not effecting certain changes I
make to KDE's configuration.

First, KDE for all users has the Yellow Title Bar of the BeOS colour scheme.
I have tried changing the colours however on pressing apply or OK no change
Second, I have tried changing from the Windows 95 widgets.  After unchecking
the Windows 95 widgets box, hitting apply or okay, no change is effected.
Third, KDE starts with the Large Desktop icons.  I have tried changing this
to Normal sized icons, however again the change is never actually put into

Restarting KDE etc does not give effect to the changes.  When I re-enter the
Control Centre the Windows 95 widgets, large icons etc are still selected.

These problems are really only minor and cosmetic, but then it's always
minor and cosmetic problems that are the most irritating.

Has anyone had a similar problem, or know a work around?  The only fix I can
think of is to install the KDE 1.1.2 from Mandrake 6.1, but I would like to
hear any other possible solutions before doing so.  Is 1.1.2 from 6.1 likely
to have problems with automount filesystems (apart from the icon)?

I have done a quick search on the archives - but the searches have been
timing out quite a bit, and so far I haven't turned up anything.

Unfortunately the IT person at work won't let me subscribe to this list
anymore (too much traffic).  If possible could anyone replying to this post
also cc: their reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance


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