Rick....I'm guessing that you're in KDE as root (but are in the
user's directory that can't change the desktop options, not in
root's directory) and can see the file .kderc in a kfm window. 
Just right click the file and choose properties - permissions. 
Change both ownership windows from root to user.


rmurphy wrote:
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > Aaron....there's a hidden file in your /home/<username>
> > directory called .kderc that has been assigned ownership
> > incorrectly.  Change it from root ownership to <username>
> > ownership.  This should solve both of your problems.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> Alan,
> I've got the same problem.  Can you tell us how to change the ownership.  I can't
> seem to get the file to open.
> Rick
> --
> "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea" JB

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