Of course they're compatible. rpm is just a package format. What you're asking
is similar to "are zip-files downloaded from www.gamecenter.com compatible with
the ones downloaded from www.gamespot.com?" (I'm not mocking you; this was the
first, although stupid, example that came to mind). RPM is just the box
containing some binaries, and info on where they should go on the system, and
some after-install scripts. The standard is pretty well defined, and the
linux-community is known for its respect for standardisation, unlike Microsoft
for example.

Only thing is perhaps you need to install other packages to satisfy
dependencies, but the install procedure will tell you which ones they are.

On Mar 1 burlington john wrote:

> Hello,
>   is it possible to install rpms from the mandrake 7.0 distribution
>   in a mandrake 6.1 distribution ?
>   I am shure for system parts that isn't a good idea, but i want to
>   upgrade kdevelop. m6.1 has the beta version of kdevelop, m7.0 has the
>   1.0 version.
>   Can I download the rpm from the 7.0 directory on ftp.mandrake.com
>   and install it on my mdr 6.1 ?
>   Can I do this with other applications like wwwoffle, or aren't the
>   7.0 rpms compatible with the 6.1 rpms ?
>   Another question that i have is, that kdevelop asks for kdoc,
>   but the mandrake distribution hasn't a kdoc rpm.
>   Where can I get the right rpm of kdoc ?
>   Kdevelop asks for the source files of kde to generate
>   some documentation, where can I find the right source
>   files for my mandrake distribution ?
>   What aboput the new kde 2.0 ? Will upgrade packages appear
>   for the 6.1 mandrake or only for the mandrake 7.0 distribution ?
> Best regards,
>  burlington                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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