At 08:19 AM 2/18/00, you wrote:
Hi I'm new to the list and to Mandrake 7.0 and I've got a couple questions that have been discussed recently but I've come in on the tail end of the conversations so if someone can fill me in it would much appreciated.
1  I can connect to my ISP using Kppp and I can ping th remote server and other servers how ever i can't browse or receive mail using any program.  I read in the help files that a DNS IP address needs to be specified.  So I put in the remote server IP address and then netscape would attempt to connect but come back with the error message that the address is invalid or something like that.  Am I correct in assuming that I need to put in the IP address of a real DNS and then it should work?  Does any one have an IP address I could use or should I get one of my ISP?
2  I had to re-install W98 after Linux which removed Lilo from my system.  How do I put this back on with out re-installing Linux?  Also I am having the half memory detected problem.  I can fix this at the Lilo prompt with "linux mem=128" but how do I set it up so Lilo will do this automatically?

you can setup a boot option in the config.sys to load loadlin telling it where your linux boot partition is by partition name. I think theres a walk through in  one of the dual boot how to's on the linux CD. try the w95/linux/dos how to.

you might also do an upgrade and not change a thing accept your lilo setup this just takes a few minutes. then use the utilities in the dosutils directory on the cd to backup you master boot record.

3  How does Peer to Peer networking work with Linux?  I have it connected to a Windows box.  What is the Linux equivilant of Network Neighbourhood?

The windows networking solution is referred to as samba in the linux circles there is a bit of configuration to do try the smb howto.
there's also a really good book on it called the Linux Networking Toolkit by Paul G. Seary with IDG books.

Sean Geoghegan


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