Hi Hershel ,
I am new to this site so I didn't see your previous mail.
1 Is this a reasonable plan?
You plan sounds o.k. although I have never use fdisk. I use PartitionMagic from Windows which is safe. But I would advise you back up your data first.
2 What do I need to do to let my Linux on D know that I removed partitions two from C (i.e. Linux on D currently mounts those partitions)
unmount the drives from Linux or you may see some error messages when you next boot up (having removed the partitions). You do this from LinuxConf.>attach local drives. You will get the list of mountable drives. Click on the ones you want and delete them.
3 Lilo currently is able to boot into NT and Linux on C and Linux on D.  I assume that I can just edit lilo.conf to remove the Linux on C and then run lilo -v and lilo will be happy.

Not too clued up on LILO, but that sounds o.k.
Hope it helps,
When I initially installed Linux I just used the program that comes on the CD for partitioning
P.S. Did you get a limited version of PartitionMagic with your CDs. If so, look at it.

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