Hey, list admins. Isn't it about time you guys put a lid on this? I'm subscribed
on the list for some 2 days now, and I already had like 5 emails with a topic
"unsubscribe". Apparently some yokels actually think they should send the
unsubscribe-mail to this list instead of sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Doesn't anyone read their subscription confirmation mails anymore?)

Of course I could set up my procmail to automatically send this to /dev/null,
but it would be better if you guys sent this to /dev/null instead of to
all the people subscribed to this list. We'd all appreciate it.


Rial Juan                  <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:              (++32) 89/856533
Ulyssis system admininstrator <http://www.ulyssis.org>

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