7.0 has a couple of bugs...they were fixed...in 7.02 iso
download and just do an upgrade instead of a install and it should be

matt shobe wrote:

> when installing using the new ISO image, everything worked perfectly
> until the LILO bootloader config an install step. the dang thing
> wouldn't install itself onto my mbr and the installer reported a
> "syntax error" on line 6 of lilo.conf. I wanted it to set up windoze
> as my default boot partition, so maybe it was taking that personally.
> i ended up canceling out of this step of the installer, which
> otherwise finished successfully. Now, I just have to use a boot floppy
> to get into linux on my system.
> any ideas how to avoid this syntax error in lilo.conf, or what might
> be causing it? i'd like to use lilo on my MBR for easiest dual booting
> and whatnot.
> Matt Shobe
> - of the http://www.spyonit.com posse


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