I too have an Athlon, but with 256mb ram and a 27.3 gb hard drive.  Actually, I run linux off my udma33 6.4 gb, but it doesn't take long to access anything off either drive in Linux.  It's probably more a hardware conflict than a software.  Which mobo are you using?  My k7m tends to have some support problems and conflicts with udma.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] Slow Hard drive

Hi I have Mandrake 7.0 on an Athlon 500 with 128MB and a 13GB UDMA 66 Quantum Harddrive.  My hard drive takes a long time to access things in Linux is it possible that UDMA is not enabled?  How can I check this and enable it.  Does the Kernal that comes with MD7 support this.

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