:->This mail is sent out to the list every other day.  You can use a filter to
:->filter off this mail.

Hi, Jackal

The idea is generally not bad, since the situation has gone out of hand 
a bit, but i think every 2-nd day is too much. Also, it would not be
really good if everyone would start running cron-jobs that post to the
list, would it? (I am really not a friend of authomated repetitive
Yes, I am also tired of "unsubscribe" messages, but

There Are Better Ways To Do It (tm?).

I am thinking of to posting a  monthly (or weekly?) "recent
frequently asked questions with answers" to "newbies" and "experts" list
(two different letters, though), and this will certainly be a part of the
letter (for newbies), so I think there is no real need for you to do it.

I was also thinking about "Yet Another Mailing List", where people could
post nicely formated "questions & answers" found in the lists. This would
help me a big deal to maintain such weekly/monthly posting (othervise I
have to edit everything myself), and it COULD diminish the frequency of
some WFAQ-s in the list. We could call such questions "RAQ" or
"RFAQ" (R for Recent). (I NEED FEEDBACK ON THIS!) 


If nothing else works out, there are still better ways to make this kind
of info more visible: For instance, you could paste it into your
".signature", or I could ask the list maintainer to post the


address with every e-mail, or even to do a filtering of e-mails which
contain "UNSUBSCRIBE"...


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