I concurr, your mother will absolutely be a little angry... well maybe
alot... but I am a positive thinker....

apart from formatting... you can try this first...

restart the computer in MS DOS mode and go to the windows directory and use
the deltree command (there are other commands and ways, but this is usually
the easiest to explain) type (without the quotes) "deltree system.da*" and
you will most likely be prompted with system.dat and system.da0 (that is a
zero) also do the same for "user.da*" as there wil also be user.dat and

these 4 files make up both the system registry and its backup... once these
have been deleted try reinstalling windows over the top of itself agreeing
to overwrite any newer files (ie if you installed any patches or
enhancements like IE 5 or the like you do not want older core files and
newer addon files trying to work (read CRASH) togeather.

You should only try this after you have attempted to back up any data as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] suggested... but before you try the formatting as if you
cannot retrieve the data from safe mode this may allow you to once you
reinstall windows... btw still repartition and reformat after you have
backed up all vital data...

May you be fortunate in your attempts at data recovery....

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windows Protection?

> Your mom's probably going to kill you.  It sounds like you corrupted
> pretty good.  Ever backed up anything before?  If you can get into safe
> do that and back up any and all DATA (not programs) you have.  Then you'll
> probably have to reformat the hd.
> It sounds as though you interupted PM while it was rearranging things.
> bad.
> One other thing you can try is boot to command prompt only and type
> /restore' at the prompt.  Try to reboot.
> If it's Win98 it MIGHT also reinstall over the top of itself, but I
wouldn't do
> that - I'd format.
> > Below is a copy of a problem that I sent to the tech support at
Linuxcare. I
> > figured someone here might know something to help and be able to answer
> > sooner. Please help me out here. By the way, I also went to
> > (Partition Magic's developers) and checked out their help files and
> > them what to do. They had a solution but it doesn't work on my machine
> > (something about not having a smartdrv.exe file). I am so lost here and
> > appreciate any suggestions.
> >
> > I've just bought McMillan's The Complete Linux Operating System 6.5
> > My computer has an AMD-K6 3D processor and 32 megs of ram a 6.2 gig
> > hard drive and is made by Proteva. The OS that came with this package is
> > Linux, distribution Mandrake 6.1. My audio card is a SoundBlaster
> > compatible and my vid card is just standard (don't know specs, 2 megs of
> > vidram I think...). If you need any info that would be on the system
> > resource report I have a print out that I did right before I destroyed
> > computer. Here goes: the package comes with a version of Partition Magic
> > while that was running I think I pushed ESC or something because it
> > like it was frozen. This was at about 50% complete I think. Then it
> > off and the machine restarts. It comes up to the screen asking if I want
> > safe mode or command line only and all of those things and I thought
> > was normal so I inserted the installation CD and restarted. When I used
> > Druid I
> > realized something was wrong because it didn't acknowledge the Linux
> > native and swap partitions I thought I had created with Partition Magic.
> > I restarted and ejected the CD and got back to the query screen as to
> > way I wanted to load. SO I chose safe mode (and later all of the other
> > possibilities to load Windows 98) and every time it said "Windows
> > error. You need to restart your computer/ Press a key to continue..." so
> > do and it happens again on every option except "safe mode and command
> > only" or "command prompt only". The only thing is I don't know what to
> > about only being in the command prompt. Please help me or my mother will
> > kill me.
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> Ty C. Mixon
> F.T.C. Enterprises
> ICQ 26147713

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