At 04:15 PM 1/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm looking to download QUITE a bit from an FTP server, In windows, I
>always used Ws-Ftp, I'm looking for a similiar program or just something
>graphical would be nice.  With Netscape I can only download one file at a
>time, I want to download directories.
>Any help would be appreciated,

What you need to look into is IglooFTP (  Now from the 
in your post I'm thinking you meant FTP "Client" not server. IglooFTP is a 
client FTP program.
And if your using GNOME it's even better :)  But it looks great by itself 
in KDE..

Give it a whirl!

Jason Pratt

*When God shuts down Windows, he opens Linux.*

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